The sassy system gives you capabilities that few other R packages can match. The system not only support reports with by-groups. You can even apply a by-group to a figure.


Note the following about this example:

  • The plot is created as a single plot with no by-groups
  • The plot is added to the report with the add_content() function, just like the figures in the previous example.
  • The page_by() function on the create_report() statement generates the paging for both the report and plot.

options("logr.autolog" = TRUE,
        "logr.notes" = FALSE)

# Get path to temp directory
tmp <- tempdir() 

# Get path to sample data
pkg <- system.file("extdata", package = "sassy")

# Open log
lgpth <- log_open(file.path(tmp, "example6.log"))

# Prepare Data ------------------------------------------------------------

sep("Prepare Data")

put("Create libname for csv data")
libname(sdtm, pkg, "csv") 

put("Perform joins and basic filters")
datastep(sdtm$DM, merge = sdtm$VS, merge_by = c("USUBJID" = "USUBJID"),
         where = expression(VSTESTCD %in% c("SYSBP", "DIABP", "PULSE", "TEMP", "RESP") &
                                      ARMCD != "SCRNFAIL"), {}) -> prep

put("Change VISIT to factor so it sorts properly")
prep$VISIT <- factor(prep$VISIT, levels = c("DAY 1", "WEEK 2", "WEEK 4",
                                       "WEEK 6","WEEK 8", "WEEK 12",
                                       "WEEK 16"))
put("Group and summarize")
           var = VSORRES,
           class = v(ARM, VSTEST, VISITNUM, VISIT), 
           options = v(nway, nofreq, notype),
           stats = mean) |> 
  datastep(where = expression(VISITNUM > 0 & VISITNUM < 20),{}) -> final

put("Rename variables for clarity")
names(final) <- toupper(labels(final))

# Create Plots ------------------------------------------------------------

sep("Create plots and print report")

put("Create plot")
p <- final |> 
  ggplot(mapping = aes(y = MEAN, x = VISIT , group = ARM)) + 
  geom_point(aes(shape = ARM, color = ARM)) + 
  geom_line(aes(linetype = ARM, color = ARM)) +
  scale_x_discrete(name = "Visit") +
  scale_y_continuous(name = "Value")

# Create Report -----------------------------------------------------------

put("Construct output path")
pth <- file.path(tmp, "output/example6.rtf")

put("Define report object")
rpt <- create_report(pth, output_type = "RTF", font = "Arial") |> 
  set_margins(top = 1, bottom = 1) |> 
  page_header("Sponsor: Company", "Study: ABC") |> 
  page_by(VSTEST, "Vital Sign: ", blank_row = "none") |> 
  titles("Figure 1.0", "Vital Signs Change from Baseline", 
         "Safety Population", bold = TRUE) |> 
  add_content(create_plot(p, 4.5, 9)) |> 
  footnotes("R Program: VS_Figure.R") |> 
  page_footer(paste0("Date Produced: ", fapply(Sys.time(), "%d%b%y %H:%M")), 
              right = "Page [pg] of [tpg]")

put("Write report to file system")

put("Close log")

# View report

# View log


And here are the first three pages of the report:


Here is the log for the above program:

Log Path: C:/Users/dbosa/AppData/Local/Temp/Rtmpo1naKK/log/example6.log
Program Path: C:/packages/Testing/procs/ProcsFigBy.R
Working Directory: C:/packages/Testing/procs
User Name: dbosa
R Version: 4.3.1 (2023-06-16 ucrt)
Machine: SOCRATES x86-64
Operating System: Windows 10 x64 build 22621
Base Packages: stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base Other
Packages: tidylog_1.0.2 ggplot2_3.4.2 procs_1.0.3 reporter_1.4.1 libr_1.2.8
fmtr_1.5.9 logr_1.3.4 common_1.0.8 sassy_1.1.0
Log Start Time: 2023-09-06 20:23:58.614273

Prepare Data

Create libname for csv data

# library 'sdtm': 7 items
- attributes: csv not loaded
- path: C:/Users/dbosa/AppData/Local/R/win-library/4.3/sassy/extdata
- items:
  Name Extension Rows Cols     Size        LastModified
1   AE       csv  150   27  88.5 Kb 2023-08-07 17:51:40
2   DM       csv   87   24  45.5 Kb 2023-08-07 17:51:40
3   DS       csv  174    9  34.1 Kb 2023-08-07 17:51:40
4   EX       csv   84   11  26.4 Kb 2023-08-07 17:51:40
5   IE       csv    2   14  13.4 Kb 2023-08-07 17:51:40
6   SV       csv  685   10  70.3 Kb 2023-08-07 17:51:40
7   VS       csv 3358   17 467.4 Kb 2023-08-07 17:51:40

Perform joins and basic filters

datastep: columns decreased from 24 to 8

# A tibble: 3,112 × 8
   <chr>      <chr> <chr> <chr>    <chr>                      <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>    
 1 ABC-01-049 4     ARM D DIABP    Diastolic Blood Pressure      78        0 SCREENING
 2 ABC-01-049 4     ARM D DIABP    Diastolic Blood Pressure      76        1 DAY 1    
 3 ABC-01-049 4     ARM D DIABP    Diastolic Blood Pressure      66        2 WEEK 2   
 4 ABC-01-049 4     ARM D DIABP    Diastolic Blood Pressure      84        4 WEEK 4   
 5 ABC-01-049 4     ARM D DIABP    Diastolic Blood Pressure      68        6 WEEK 6   
 6 ABC-01-049 4     ARM D DIABP    Diastolic Blood Pressure      80        8 WEEK 8   
 7 ABC-01-049 4     ARM D DIABP    Diastolic Blood Pressure      70       12 WEEK 12  
 8 ABC-01-049 4     ARM D DIABP    Diastolic Blood Pressure      70       16 WEEK 16  
 9 ABC-01-049 4     ARM D PULSE    Pulse Rate                    92        0 SCREENING
10 ABC-01-049 4     ARM D PULSE    Pulse Rate                    84        1 DAY 1    
# ℹ 3,102 more rows
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows

Change VISIT to factor so it sorts properly

Group and summarize

proc_means: input data set 3112 rows and 8 columns
            class: ARM VSTEST VISITNUM VISIT
            var: VSORRES
            stats: mean
            view: TRUE
            output: 1 datasets

    CLASS1                   CLASS2 CLASS3  CLASS4     VAR      MEAN
1    ARM A Diastolic Blood Pressure      1   DAY 1 VSORRES  76.47368
2    ARM A Diastolic Blood Pressure     12 WEEK 12 VSORRES  78.36842
3    ARM A Diastolic Blood Pressure     16 WEEK 16 VSORRES  77.26316
4    ARM A Diastolic Blood Pressure      2  WEEK 2 VSORRES  77.65000
5    ARM A Diastolic Blood Pressure      4  WEEK 4 VSORRES  78.70000
6    ARM A Diastolic Blood Pressure      6  WEEK 6 VSORRES  74.36842
7    ARM A Diastolic Blood Pressure      8  WEEK 8 VSORRES  77.05263
8    ARM A               Pulse Rate      1   DAY 1 VSORRES  72.57895
9    ARM A               Pulse Rate     12 WEEK 12 VSORRES  75.68421
10   ARM A               Pulse Rate     16 WEEK 16 VSORRES  76.26316
11   ARM A               Pulse Rate      2  WEEK 2 VSORRES  73.35000
12   ARM A               Pulse Rate      4  WEEK 4 VSORRES  75.85000
13   ARM A               Pulse Rate      6  WEEK 6 VSORRES  73.47368
14   ARM A               Pulse Rate      8  WEEK 8 VSORRES  73.21053
15   ARM A         Respiratory Rate      1   DAY 1 VSORRES  16.31579
16   ARM A         Respiratory Rate     12 WEEK 12 VSORRES  16.42105
17   ARM A         Respiratory Rate     16 WEEK 16 VSORRES  15.05263
18   ARM A         Respiratory Rate      2  WEEK 2 VSORRES  15.40000
19   ARM A         Respiratory Rate      4  WEEK 4 VSORRES  15.60000
20   ARM A         Respiratory Rate      6  WEEK 6 VSORRES  17.15789
21   ARM A         Respiratory Rate      8  WEEK 8 VSORRES  15.42105
22   ARM A  Systolic Blood Pressure      1   DAY 1 VSORRES 127.52632
23   ARM A  Systolic Blood Pressure     12 WEEK 12 VSORRES 128.31579
24   ARM A  Systolic Blood Pressure     16 WEEK 16 VSORRES 132.05263
25   ARM A  Systolic Blood Pressure      2  WEEK 2 VSORRES 129.45000
26   ARM A  Systolic Blood Pressure      4  WEEK 4 VSORRES 132.25000
27   ARM A  Systolic Blood Pressure      6  WEEK 6 VSORRES 130.05263
28   ARM A  Systolic Blood Pressure      8  WEEK 8 VSORRES 131.00000
29   ARM A              Temperature      1   DAY 1 VSORRES  36.52105
30   ARM A              Temperature     12 WEEK 12 VSORRES  36.46316
31   ARM A              Temperature     16 WEEK 16 VSORRES  36.43158
32   ARM A              Temperature      2  WEEK 2 VSORRES  36.48947
33   ARM A              Temperature      4  WEEK 4 VSORRES  36.37000
34   ARM A              Temperature      6  WEEK 6 VSORRES  36.47368
35   ARM A              Temperature      8  WEEK 8 VSORRES  36.52105
36   ARM B Diastolic Blood Pressure      1   DAY 1 VSORRES  78.23810
37   ARM B Diastolic Blood Pressure     12 WEEK 12 VSORRES  78.16667
38   ARM B Diastolic Blood Pressure     16 WEEK 16 VSORRES  78.47059
39   ARM B Diastolic Blood Pressure      2  WEEK 2 VSORRES  76.15000
40   ARM B Diastolic Blood Pressure      4  WEEK 4 VSORRES  78.45000
41   ARM B Diastolic Blood Pressure      6  WEEK 6 VSORRES  79.33333
42   ARM B Diastolic Blood Pressure      8  WEEK 8 VSORRES  77.33333
43   ARM B               Pulse Rate      1   DAY 1 VSORRES  71.52381
44   ARM B               Pulse Rate     12 WEEK 12 VSORRES  73.55556
45   ARM B               Pulse Rate     16 WEEK 16 VSORRES  73.29412
46   ARM B               Pulse Rate      2  WEEK 2 VSORRES  69.85000
47   ARM B               Pulse Rate      4  WEEK 4 VSORRES  72.80000
48   ARM B               Pulse Rate      6  WEEK 6 VSORRES  77.94444
49   ARM B               Pulse Rate      8  WEEK 8 VSORRES  74.77778
50   ARM B         Respiratory Rate      1   DAY 1 VSORRES  15.80952
51   ARM B         Respiratory Rate     12 WEEK 12 VSORRES  15.55556
52   ARM B         Respiratory Rate     16 WEEK 16 VSORRES  15.29412
53   ARM B         Respiratory Rate      2  WEEK 2 VSORRES  16.45000
54   ARM B         Respiratory Rate      4  WEEK 4 VSORRES  15.30000
55   ARM B         Respiratory Rate      6  WEEK 6 VSORRES  15.38889
56   ARM B         Respiratory Rate      8  WEEK 8 VSORRES  15.22222
57   ARM B  Systolic Blood Pressure      1   DAY 1 VSORRES 127.47619
58   ARM B  Systolic Blood Pressure     12 WEEK 12 VSORRES 129.66667
59   ARM B  Systolic Blood Pressure     16 WEEK 16 VSORRES 128.88235
60   ARM B  Systolic Blood Pressure      2  WEEK 2 VSORRES 124.00000
61   ARM B  Systolic Blood Pressure      4  WEEK 4 VSORRES 126.35000
62   ARM B  Systolic Blood Pressure      6  WEEK 6 VSORRES 128.61111
63   ARM B  Systolic Blood Pressure      8  WEEK 8 VSORRES 126.33333
64   ARM B              Temperature      1   DAY 1 VSORRES  36.38095
65   ARM B              Temperature     12 WEEK 12 VSORRES  36.43333
66   ARM B              Temperature     16 WEEK 16 VSORRES  36.26471
67   ARM B              Temperature      2  WEEK 2 VSORRES  36.26842
68   ARM B              Temperature      4  WEEK 4 VSORRES  36.35000
69   ARM B              Temperature      6  WEEK 6 VSORRES  36.31667
70   ARM B              Temperature      8  WEEK 8 VSORRES  36.38889
71   ARM C Diastolic Blood Pressure      1   DAY 1 VSORRES  77.33333
72   ARM C Diastolic Blood Pressure     12 WEEK 12 VSORRES  75.75000
73   ARM C Diastolic Blood Pressure     16 WEEK 16 VSORRES  78.62500
74   ARM C Diastolic Blood Pressure      2  WEEK 2 VSORRES  76.50000
75   ARM C Diastolic Blood Pressure      4  WEEK 4 VSORRES  76.47059
76   ARM C Diastolic Blood Pressure      6  WEEK 6 VSORRES  76.58824
77   ARM C Diastolic Blood Pressure      8  WEEK 8 VSORRES  77.52941
78   ARM C               Pulse Rate      1   DAY 1 VSORRES  74.09524
79   ARM C               Pulse Rate     12 WEEK 12 VSORRES  73.75000
80   ARM C               Pulse Rate     16 WEEK 16 VSORRES  76.18750
81   ARM C               Pulse Rate      2  WEEK 2 VSORRES  73.94444
82   ARM C               Pulse Rate      4  WEEK 4 VSORRES  77.29412
83   ARM C               Pulse Rate      6  WEEK 6 VSORRES  76.05882
84   ARM C               Pulse Rate      8  WEEK 8 VSORRES  75.29412
85   ARM C         Respiratory Rate      1   DAY 1 VSORRES  15.85714
86   ARM C         Respiratory Rate     12 WEEK 12 VSORRES  14.93750
87   ARM C         Respiratory Rate     16 WEEK 16 VSORRES  15.43750
88   ARM C         Respiratory Rate      2  WEEK 2 VSORRES  15.27778
89   ARM C         Respiratory Rate      4  WEEK 4 VSORRES  15.23529
90   ARM C         Respiratory Rate      6  WEEK 6 VSORRES  16.11765
91   ARM C         Respiratory Rate      8  WEEK 8 VSORRES  14.64706
92   ARM C  Systolic Blood Pressure      1   DAY 1 VSORRES 123.90476
93   ARM C  Systolic Blood Pressure     12 WEEK 12 VSORRES 120.06250
94   ARM C  Systolic Blood Pressure     16 WEEK 16 VSORRES 122.62500
95   ARM C  Systolic Blood Pressure      2  WEEK 2 VSORRES 123.05556
96   ARM C  Systolic Blood Pressure      4  WEEK 4 VSORRES 123.52941
97   ARM C  Systolic Blood Pressure      6  WEEK 6 VSORRES 121.94118
98   ARM C  Systolic Blood Pressure      8  WEEK 8 VSORRES 125.00000
99   ARM C              Temperature      1   DAY 1 VSORRES  36.42857
100  ARM C              Temperature     12 WEEK 12 VSORRES  36.23750
101  ARM C              Temperature     16 WEEK 16 VSORRES  36.42500
102  ARM C              Temperature      2  WEEK 2 VSORRES  36.57778
103  ARM C              Temperature      4  WEEK 4 VSORRES  36.25882
104  ARM C              Temperature      6  WEEK 6 VSORRES  36.14118
105  ARM C              Temperature      8  WEEK 8 VSORRES  36.26471
106  ARM D Diastolic Blood Pressure      1   DAY 1 VSORRES  76.63636
107  ARM D Diastolic Blood Pressure     12 WEEK 12 VSORRES  75.21053
108  ARM D Diastolic Blood Pressure     16 WEEK 16 VSORRES  75.57143
109  ARM D Diastolic Blood Pressure      2  WEEK 2 VSORRES  74.90909
110  ARM D Diastolic Blood Pressure      4  WEEK 4 VSORRES  78.04762
111  ARM D Diastolic Blood Pressure      6  WEEK 6 VSORRES  76.60000
112  ARM D Diastolic Blood Pressure      8  WEEK 8 VSORRES  77.90000
113  ARM D               Pulse Rate      1   DAY 1 VSORRES  74.78261
114  ARM D               Pulse Rate     12 WEEK 12 VSORRES  70.75000
115  ARM D               Pulse Rate     16 WEEK 16 VSORRES  74.19048
116  ARM D               Pulse Rate      2  WEEK 2 VSORRES  76.59091
117  ARM D               Pulse Rate      4  WEEK 4 VSORRES  75.42857
118  ARM D               Pulse Rate      6  WEEK 6 VSORRES  69.95000
119  ARM D               Pulse Rate      8  WEEK 8 VSORRES  72.90000
120  ARM D         Respiratory Rate      1   DAY 1 VSORRES  16.13043
121  ARM D         Respiratory Rate     12 WEEK 12 VSORRES  15.20000
122  ARM D         Respiratory Rate     16 WEEK 16 VSORRES  15.09524
123  ARM D         Respiratory Rate      2  WEEK 2 VSORRES  16.36364
124  ARM D         Respiratory Rate      4  WEEK 4 VSORRES  15.42857
125  ARM D         Respiratory Rate      6  WEEK 6 VSORRES  15.45000
126  ARM D         Respiratory Rate      8  WEEK 8 VSORRES  16.00000
127  ARM D  Systolic Blood Pressure      1   DAY 1 VSORRES 127.54545
128  ARM D  Systolic Blood Pressure     12 WEEK 12 VSORRES 124.52632
129  ARM D  Systolic Blood Pressure     16 WEEK 16 VSORRES 129.57143
130  ARM D  Systolic Blood Pressure      2  WEEK 2 VSORRES 123.45455
131  ARM D  Systolic Blood Pressure      4  WEEK 4 VSORRES 128.52381
132  ARM D  Systolic Blood Pressure      6  WEEK 6 VSORRES 122.85000
133  ARM D  Systolic Blood Pressure      8  WEEK 8 VSORRES 129.40000
134  ARM D              Temperature      1   DAY 1 VSORRES  36.50435
135  ARM D              Temperature     12 WEEK 12 VSORRES  36.35000
136  ARM D              Temperature     16 WEEK 16 VSORRES  36.30000
137  ARM D              Temperature      2  WEEK 2 VSORRES  36.31818
138  ARM D              Temperature      4  WEEK 4 VSORRES  36.19524
139  ARM D              Temperature      6  WEEK 6 VSORRES  36.32000
140  ARM D              Temperature      8  WEEK 8 VSORRES  36.28000

datastep: columns started with 6 and ended with 6

    CLASS1                   CLASS2 CLASS3  CLASS4     VAR      MEAN
1    ARM A Diastolic Blood Pressure      1   DAY 1 VSORRES  76.47368
2    ARM A Diastolic Blood Pressure     12 WEEK 12 VSORRES  78.36842
3    ARM A Diastolic Blood Pressure     16 WEEK 16 VSORRES  77.26316
4    ARM A Diastolic Blood Pressure      2  WEEK 2 VSORRES  77.65000
5    ARM A Diastolic Blood Pressure      4  WEEK 4 VSORRES  78.70000
6    ARM A Diastolic Blood Pressure      6  WEEK 6 VSORRES  74.36842
7    ARM A Diastolic Blood Pressure      8  WEEK 8 VSORRES  77.05263
8    ARM A               Pulse Rate      1   DAY 1 VSORRES  72.57895
9    ARM A               Pulse Rate     12 WEEK 12 VSORRES  75.68421
10   ARM A               Pulse Rate     16 WEEK 16 VSORRES  76.26316
11   ARM A               Pulse Rate      2  WEEK 2 VSORRES  73.35000
12   ARM A               Pulse Rate      4  WEEK 4 VSORRES  75.85000
13   ARM A               Pulse Rate      6  WEEK 6 VSORRES  73.47368
14   ARM A               Pulse Rate      8  WEEK 8 VSORRES  73.21053
15   ARM A         Respiratory Rate      1   DAY 1 VSORRES  16.31579
16   ARM A         Respiratory Rate     12 WEEK 12 VSORRES  16.42105
17   ARM A         Respiratory Rate     16 WEEK 16 VSORRES  15.05263
18   ARM A         Respiratory Rate      2  WEEK 2 VSORRES  15.40000
19   ARM A         Respiratory Rate      4  WEEK 4 VSORRES  15.60000
20   ARM A         Respiratory Rate      6  WEEK 6 VSORRES  17.15789
21   ARM A         Respiratory Rate      8  WEEK 8 VSORRES  15.42105
22   ARM A  Systolic Blood Pressure      1   DAY 1 VSORRES 127.52632
23   ARM A  Systolic Blood Pressure     12 WEEK 12 VSORRES 128.31579
24   ARM A  Systolic Blood Pressure     16 WEEK 16 VSORRES 132.05263
25   ARM A  Systolic Blood Pressure      2  WEEK 2 VSORRES 129.45000
26   ARM A  Systolic Blood Pressure      4  WEEK 4 VSORRES 132.25000
27   ARM A  Systolic Blood Pressure      6  WEEK 6 VSORRES 130.05263
28   ARM A  Systolic Blood Pressure      8  WEEK 8 VSORRES 131.00000
29   ARM A              Temperature      1   DAY 1 VSORRES  36.52105
30   ARM A              Temperature     12 WEEK 12 VSORRES  36.46316
31   ARM A              Temperature     16 WEEK 16 VSORRES  36.43158
32   ARM A              Temperature      2  WEEK 2 VSORRES  36.48947
33   ARM A              Temperature      4  WEEK 4 VSORRES  36.37000
34   ARM A              Temperature      6  WEEK 6 VSORRES  36.47368
35   ARM A              Temperature      8  WEEK 8 VSORRES  36.52105
36   ARM B Diastolic Blood Pressure      1   DAY 1 VSORRES  78.23810
37   ARM B Diastolic Blood Pressure     12 WEEK 12 VSORRES  78.16667
38   ARM B Diastolic Blood Pressure     16 WEEK 16 VSORRES  78.47059
39   ARM B Diastolic Blood Pressure      2  WEEK 2 VSORRES  76.15000
40   ARM B Diastolic Blood Pressure      4  WEEK 4 VSORRES  78.45000
41   ARM B Diastolic Blood Pressure      6  WEEK 6 VSORRES  79.33333
42   ARM B Diastolic Blood Pressure      8  WEEK 8 VSORRES  77.33333
43   ARM B               Pulse Rate      1   DAY 1 VSORRES  71.52381
44   ARM B               Pulse Rate     12 WEEK 12 VSORRES  73.55556
45   ARM B               Pulse Rate     16 WEEK 16 VSORRES  73.29412
46   ARM B               Pulse Rate      2  WEEK 2 VSORRES  69.85000
47   ARM B               Pulse Rate      4  WEEK 4 VSORRES  72.80000
48   ARM B               Pulse Rate      6  WEEK 6 VSORRES  77.94444
49   ARM B               Pulse Rate      8  WEEK 8 VSORRES  74.77778
50   ARM B         Respiratory Rate      1   DAY 1 VSORRES  15.80952
51   ARM B         Respiratory Rate     12 WEEK 12 VSORRES  15.55556
52   ARM B         Respiratory Rate     16 WEEK 16 VSORRES  15.29412
53   ARM B         Respiratory Rate      2  WEEK 2 VSORRES  16.45000
54   ARM B         Respiratory Rate      4  WEEK 4 VSORRES  15.30000
55   ARM B         Respiratory Rate      6  WEEK 6 VSORRES  15.38889
56   ARM B         Respiratory Rate      8  WEEK 8 VSORRES  15.22222
57   ARM B  Systolic Blood Pressure      1   DAY 1 VSORRES 127.47619
58   ARM B  Systolic Blood Pressure     12 WEEK 12 VSORRES 129.66667
59   ARM B  Systolic Blood Pressure     16 WEEK 16 VSORRES 128.88235
60   ARM B  Systolic Blood Pressure      2  WEEK 2 VSORRES 124.00000
61   ARM B  Systolic Blood Pressure      4  WEEK 4 VSORRES 126.35000
62   ARM B  Systolic Blood Pressure      6  WEEK 6 VSORRES 128.61111
63   ARM B  Systolic Blood Pressure      8  WEEK 8 VSORRES 126.33333
64   ARM B              Temperature      1   DAY 1 VSORRES  36.38095
65   ARM B              Temperature     12 WEEK 12 VSORRES  36.43333
66   ARM B              Temperature     16 WEEK 16 VSORRES  36.26471
67   ARM B              Temperature      2  WEEK 2 VSORRES  36.26842
68   ARM B              Temperature      4  WEEK 4 VSORRES  36.35000
69   ARM B              Temperature      6  WEEK 6 VSORRES  36.31667
70   ARM B              Temperature      8  WEEK 8 VSORRES  36.38889
71   ARM C Diastolic Blood Pressure      1   DAY 1 VSORRES  77.33333
72   ARM C Diastolic Blood Pressure     12 WEEK 12 VSORRES  75.75000
73   ARM C Diastolic Blood Pressure     16 WEEK 16 VSORRES  78.62500
74   ARM C Diastolic Blood Pressure      2  WEEK 2 VSORRES  76.50000
75   ARM C Diastolic Blood Pressure      4  WEEK 4 VSORRES  76.47059
76   ARM C Diastolic Blood Pressure      6  WEEK 6 VSORRES  76.58824
77   ARM C Diastolic Blood Pressure      8  WEEK 8 VSORRES  77.52941
78   ARM C               Pulse Rate      1   DAY 1 VSORRES  74.09524
79   ARM C               Pulse Rate     12 WEEK 12 VSORRES  73.75000
80   ARM C               Pulse Rate     16 WEEK 16 VSORRES  76.18750
81   ARM C               Pulse Rate      2  WEEK 2 VSORRES  73.94444
82   ARM C               Pulse Rate      4  WEEK 4 VSORRES  77.29412
83   ARM C               Pulse Rate      6  WEEK 6 VSORRES  76.05882
84   ARM C               Pulse Rate      8  WEEK 8 VSORRES  75.29412
85   ARM C         Respiratory Rate      1   DAY 1 VSORRES  15.85714
86   ARM C         Respiratory Rate     12 WEEK 12 VSORRES  14.93750
87   ARM C         Respiratory Rate     16 WEEK 16 VSORRES  15.43750
88   ARM C         Respiratory Rate      2  WEEK 2 VSORRES  15.27778
89   ARM C         Respiratory Rate      4  WEEK 4 VSORRES  15.23529
90   ARM C         Respiratory Rate      6  WEEK 6 VSORRES  16.11765
91   ARM C         Respiratory Rate      8  WEEK 8 VSORRES  14.64706
92   ARM C  Systolic Blood Pressure      1   DAY 1 VSORRES 123.90476
93   ARM C  Systolic Blood Pressure     12 WEEK 12 VSORRES 120.06250
94   ARM C  Systolic Blood Pressure     16 WEEK 16 VSORRES 122.62500
95   ARM C  Systolic Blood Pressure      2  WEEK 2 VSORRES 123.05556
96   ARM C  Systolic Blood Pressure      4  WEEK 4 VSORRES 123.52941
97   ARM C  Systolic Blood Pressure      6  WEEK 6 VSORRES 121.94118
98   ARM C  Systolic Blood Pressure      8  WEEK 8 VSORRES 125.00000
99   ARM C              Temperature      1   DAY 1 VSORRES  36.42857
100  ARM C              Temperature     12 WEEK 12 VSORRES  36.23750
101  ARM C              Temperature     16 WEEK 16 VSORRES  36.42500
102  ARM C              Temperature      2  WEEK 2 VSORRES  36.57778
103  ARM C              Temperature      4  WEEK 4 VSORRES  36.25882
104  ARM C              Temperature      6  WEEK 6 VSORRES  36.14118
105  ARM C              Temperature      8  WEEK 8 VSORRES  36.26471
106  ARM D Diastolic Blood Pressure      1   DAY 1 VSORRES  76.63636
107  ARM D Diastolic Blood Pressure     12 WEEK 12 VSORRES  75.21053
108  ARM D Diastolic Blood Pressure     16 WEEK 16 VSORRES  75.57143
109  ARM D Diastolic Blood Pressure      2  WEEK 2 VSORRES  74.90909
110  ARM D Diastolic Blood Pressure      4  WEEK 4 VSORRES  78.04762
111  ARM D Diastolic Blood Pressure      6  WEEK 6 VSORRES  76.60000
112  ARM D Diastolic Blood Pressure      8  WEEK 8 VSORRES  77.90000
113  ARM D               Pulse Rate      1   DAY 1 VSORRES  74.78261
114  ARM D               Pulse Rate     12 WEEK 12 VSORRES  70.75000
115  ARM D               Pulse Rate     16 WEEK 16 VSORRES  74.19048
116  ARM D               Pulse Rate      2  WEEK 2 VSORRES  76.59091
117  ARM D               Pulse Rate      4  WEEK 4 VSORRES  75.42857
118  ARM D               Pulse Rate      6  WEEK 6 VSORRES  69.95000
119  ARM D               Pulse Rate      8  WEEK 8 VSORRES  72.90000
120  ARM D         Respiratory Rate      1   DAY 1 VSORRES  16.13043
121  ARM D         Respiratory Rate     12 WEEK 12 VSORRES  15.20000
122  ARM D         Respiratory Rate     16 WEEK 16 VSORRES  15.09524
123  ARM D         Respiratory Rate      2  WEEK 2 VSORRES  16.36364
124  ARM D         Respiratory Rate      4  WEEK 4 VSORRES  15.42857
125  ARM D         Respiratory Rate      6  WEEK 6 VSORRES  15.45000
126  ARM D         Respiratory Rate      8  WEEK 8 VSORRES  16.00000
127  ARM D  Systolic Blood Pressure      1   DAY 1 VSORRES 127.54545
128  ARM D  Systolic Blood Pressure     12 WEEK 12 VSORRES 124.52632
129  ARM D  Systolic Blood Pressure     16 WEEK 16 VSORRES 129.57143
130  ARM D  Systolic Blood Pressure      2  WEEK 2 VSORRES 123.45455
131  ARM D  Systolic Blood Pressure      4  WEEK 4 VSORRES 128.52381
132  ARM D  Systolic Blood Pressure      6  WEEK 6 VSORRES 122.85000
133  ARM D  Systolic Blood Pressure      8  WEEK 8 VSORRES 129.40000
134  ARM D              Temperature      1   DAY 1 VSORRES  36.50435
135  ARM D              Temperature     12 WEEK 12 VSORRES  36.35000
136  ARM D              Temperature     16 WEEK 16 VSORRES  36.30000
137  ARM D              Temperature      2  WEEK 2 VSORRES  36.31818
138  ARM D              Temperature      4  WEEK 4 VSORRES  36.19524
139  ARM D              Temperature      6  WEEK 6 VSORRES  36.32000
140  ARM D              Temperature      8  WEEK 8 VSORRES  36.28000

Rename variables for clarity

Create plots and print report

Create plot

Construct output path

Define report object

Write report to file system

# A report specification: 5 pages
- file_path: 'C:\Users\dbosa\AppData\Local\Temp\Rtmpo1naKK/output/example6.rtf'
- output_type: RTF
- units: inches
- orientation: landscape
- margins: top 1 bottom 1 left 1 right 1
- line size/count: 9/36
- page by: VSTEST
- page_header: left=Sponsor: Company right=Study: ABC
- title 1: 'Figure 1.0'
- title 2: 'Vital Signs Change from Baseline'
- title 3: 'Safety Population'
- footnote 1: 'R Program: VS_Figure.R'
- page_footer: left=Date Produced: 06Sep23 20:24 center= right=Page [pg] of [tpg]
- content: 
# A plot specification: 
- data: 140 rows, 6 cols
- layers: 2
- height: 4.5
- width: 9

Close libname

Close log

Log End Time: 2023-09-06 20:24:10.852245
Log Elapsed Time: 0 00:00:12

Next: Example 7: Survival Analysis